Our most important appeal

Scroll to read more, or make your choice below now

(remember, our preference is you stretch and give monthly).







* Please note that the above graphic does not automatically update to reflect donations instantly, but it will be regularly updated

More than ever before, we need your support to help maintain and grow the community.

The shul’s interiors are over 50 years old, and many things need replacing.  While we received a grant from Strathfield Synagogue to cover the cost of new chairs, we need extra funds to fix the electrics, lights and painting.

We are eager to restart the shlichot program, which was a resounding success for many years and greatly benefited our young people.

General costs are on the rise, putting a significant strain on our shul’s finances and making your support more crucial than ever.

Donations are critical, as we don’t receive regular funding from other sources.

This year, please give more than before because every extra commitment makes a difference.

While you can still give a one-off amount, we encourage you to sign up for monthly giving, which enables you to stretch a little further and reliably guarantees us a consistent flow of funds.

If you have not seen it yet, please watch our video above.

Make your choice below

(remember, our preference is you stretch and give monthly).