27 Adar 5777 – Vayakhel-Pekudei

Chana Raizel and I won’t be seeing you this Shabbas as we will be away on paternity leave but we want to wish you all a Shabbat Shalom!
This Shabbat let us take a moment to remember and pray for the victims and families of Wednesday’s Westminster Terrorist attack. May their memories serve as a blessing and may their families find strength and comfort.
This coming week in Shul we will be saying the special prayer for the new month of Nissan. This means that Pesach is literally around the corner. If you wish to enjoy a heimish and meaningful second night Seder, please join Chana Raizel and I at the Shul but ensure you get in early as we will be capping the numbers! Also please ensure that you complete and return the Sale of Chametz declaration form by the due date.
This coming Tuesday evening we will be holding the very last session of our Keeping Kosher Course with guest speaker and international Kashrut expert Rabbi Moshe Gutnick, He will be speaking on the topic of “Keeping a Kosher kitchen”. Being so close to Pesach, it will also be the perfect opportunity to gain clarification on any Pesach queries that you may have so please come along.
Shabbat Shalom and see you next week,
Rabbi Yossi and Chana Raizel Friedman