Parsha: Netzavim (2024)

It’s the last Shabbat of the Year! It is also the last Shabbat of the month of Elul.

Usually, the last Shabbat of the month has a unique status. It is called Shabbat Mevorchim- The Shabbat that blesses.

This is because it is on the Shabbat that immediately precedes the next new month, which uses the power of Shabbat to bless the new month.

We don’t just enter new months and new phases, it is always prefaced with a blessing before.

Here’s the strange thing, there is one month where we don’t do the blessing for the new upcoming month. That would be this very Shabbat, the last Shabbat of the month and last one of the year.

The reason behind this is both profound and meaningful. Instead of us doing the blessing for the new month, G-d Himself does it. Hashem is the one that takes the roll of giving the blessing.

That’s a big sigh of relief. There is too much at stake in this last month of the year. We want to make sure the blessing that precedes the new year is done correctly and properly. We let G-d do it this time. In fact it is from this power of G-d Himself giving the blessing this time, that gives us the power to bless all the other months of the year.

Take a few moments during this Shabbat to allow that thought to seep in. G-d’s personal blessing will permeate every moment of Shabbat. So much blessing, enough to bless the entire year that lies ahead.

As we sit around the Shabbat table, and come to shule as a community, let’s alow ourselves to be wrapped up in this bliss of blessing.

Looking forward to seeing you all over Rosh Hashana as we usher in the New Year!

Wishing you Shana Tova Umetukah and Shabbat Shalom!