Parsha: Mikeitz (2024)

Happy Chanukah!

Stories of overcoming challenges and adversity are inspiring and allow us to reframe some of our own challenges so we can overcome them as well.

So it comes as no surpirse that the Torah has Holidays and stories in the Torah that convey this message.

Chanukah has a message which conveys this point. When there was seemingly an insurmountable challenge, nevertheless the Maccabis were not deterred. They marched forward in face of incredible difficulties, to bring freedom and peace to Jewish life.

They faced an enormous army that outnumbered the small brave Jewish battalion. The Maccabis understood the task and realised that G-d is with them in this challenge, and that the challenge will actually bring the Jewish people to a better place.

There was once a young student who was an avid soccer fan. He had a regular learning session with his Rabbi. One day the student had trouble understanding the concept of challenges in life. The Rabbi began asking questions about his beloved sport, soccer.

The boy responded by saying that the point of the game is to score a goal. This is achieved by kicking a ball across an 100 meter field and then to kick the ball into a goal post which is 7 meters wide.

The Rabbi asked, “So what is so hard to get a ball into a large 7 Meter goal post? How does this sport create so much excitment and suspense?”

“Yes Rabbi you are right, indeed it is easy to score a goal when you are the only one on the soccer pitch. However, when there is another opposing team, that will do anything they can to stop you from scoring, it becomes a competitive, and exhilarating sport. If one can manage to the be the skilled player to out-manoeuvre the opponents and make to the other side of the field with the ball in goal, you become the hero and the joy is immense.”

The Rabbi was waiting for this reply. This is also the story of our life. Specifically when we have challenges and opposing forces, that is when we can score an exhilarating goal. To score without an opponenet has no meaning. When there are inconveniences that stand in the way to stregnthen our Jewish connection, it should not deter us. It is only an opportunity to score a huge goal. The victory is then great and we feel we have truly accomplished something meaningful.

So lets push forward, and not be disheartened by the inconveniences. Lets score that goal and celebrate the victory.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Chanukah Sameach.