The most significant action of history was the creation of the world. So you would think the Torah would dedicate great space towards this phenomenon. Yet, there are only 31 verses on it, a complete contrast to the construction of a small tabernacle, the Mishkan. What is the message behind this?
Poking out an eye?? None of us are perfect. We all do things we regret. So …
I wish I could be like Roger Federer! Roger Federer is truly one of the great …
I think for most of us, life has suddenly become very busy! We seem to all …
Are you free? In the Kovno ghetto in the early 1940’s, an extraordinary scene took place …
What it takes to be a leader? It is interesting to consider the lack of significant Talmudic commentary surrounding the festival of Chanukah. I mean, the other main festivals have their own dedicated books within the Talmud that details their laws and the intricacies of their practices. Let me give you some explanations.