
A bequest is a gift or sum of money that is left in your will. It’s a wonderful way to have a positive impact on your community and to ensure the continuity and strength of the Jewish community.


Consider Maroubra Synagogue

In the hustle and bustle of the modern world, the synagogue remains the centre point of the Jewish community. The founders of

Maroubra Synagogue as you may know were mostly Holocaust survivors, who created a place that was an extension of their homes and was their extended family. As you have witnessed, we continue to follow this tradition and Maroubra Synagogue is well known for being a welcoming and caring place for people seeking to express and celebrate their Judaism.

To quote the late Lord, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: “To be a Jew is to be a link in the chain of the generations, a character in a drama that began long before we were born and will continue long after our death.”


By leaving a bequest to Maroubra Synagogue you are helping your community, beyond your lifetime, strengthening your link in the chain for current and future generations.


We understand that making a decision about how your estate is distributed is a very personal one. If you would like to ensure all or part of your estate is bequeathed Maroubra Synagogue, we recommend involving your family in this decision and that you seek professional legal advice to help  ensure your wishes are met. 

Making a bequest does not always entail rewriting your Will. A simple codicil (an addition or supplement to your existing Will) provides an easy option for this. Some suggested wording for your bequest:

I bequeath to the Kingsford Maroubra Hebrew Congregation, 635 Anzac Pde, Maroubra, NSW 2035 the sum of $X.


I bequeath to the Kingsford Maroubra Hebrew Congregation, 635 Anzac Pde, Maroubra, NSW 2035 X% of my estate.


I bequeath to the Kingsford Maroubra Hebrew Congregation, 635 Anzac Pde, Maroubra, NSW 2035 X% of the residue of my estate.


I bequeath my X (description of property or asset/s) to the Kingsford Maroubra Hebrew Congregation, 635 Anzac Pde, Maroubra, NSW 2035

We also recommend the following clause be included:

I bequeath this free of all charges to the Kingsford Maroubra Hebrew Congregation, 635 Anzac Pde, Maroubra, NSW 2035 (ABN: 40 000 543 859) to be used for general purposes. The official receipt of the Kingsford Maroubra Hebrew Congregation will be sufficient acknowledgement of having received this gift.

For more information:

Please use our contact form and select the option to contact our President.