Parsha: Chayei Sara (2024)

What are the most important moments in life? It is easy to get distracted from what we know really matters to us.
I heard a good line a few years ago. “If what you’re stressed about won’t matter to you in five years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes on it.”
When we step back and take a moment of reflection we come to realise that we occasionally get caught up in petty things that don’t really matter to us. On the other hand, what we hold dear and cherish, is sometimes neglected.
How do we stay focused on what really matters ?
This week we read Parshat Chayei Sara. The life of Sara.
So, you would assume that the Parsha then would go on to talk about her life. However the Parsha immediately starts to describe her passing! Her passing seems to be emphasised throughout the Parsha. Beginning with her burial, then her sons marriage to Rebbeca, and how her son Isaac takes over the family’s dynasty as the successor of his parents movement of montheism.
What a strange title? Or perhaps there is an underlying meaningful message here, about life.
Life is not limited to an experience with materialism and physical pleasure. It is much deeper and more profound. It is about our values, our passions, and love. While Sara was alive, her life was not about transient petty enjoyments and luxuries that come and go. Rather her main focus in life was her beliefs, values and family.
This is the message the Torah is trying to convey with naming the Parsha- “The life of Sara.” Her “life,” really just continues and flows into the next generation. Her life is seen perhaps stronger than before. This is evident by that fact that her values are still being chierished and followed by her descndants until this very day.
We can adopt this “Sarah”attitude. Staying focused on what really matters. When we do, we will feel happier, and more content.
I heard a good line a few years ago. “If what you’re stressed about won’t matter to you in five years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes on it.”
When we step back and take a moment of reflection we come to realise that we occasionally get caught up in petty things that don’t really matter to us. On the other hand, what we hold dear and cherish, is sometimes neglected.
How do we stay focused on what really matters ?
This week we read Parshat Chayei Sara. The life of Sara.
So, you would assume that the Parsha then would go on to talk about her life. However the Parsha immediately starts to describe her passing! Her passing seems to be emphasised throughout the Parsha. Beginning with her burial, then her sons marriage to Rebbeca, and how her son Isaac takes over the family’s dynasty as the successor of his parents movement of montheism.
What a strange title? Or perhaps there is an underlying meaningful message here, about life.
Life is not limited to an experience with materialism and physical pleasure. It is much deeper and more profound. It is about our values, our passions, and love. While Sara was alive, her life was not about transient petty enjoyments and luxuries that come and go. Rather her main focus in life was her beliefs, values and family.
This is the message the Torah is trying to convey with naming the Parsha- “The life of Sara.” Her “life,” really just continues and flows into the next generation. Her life is seen perhaps stronger than before. This is evident by that fact that her values are still being chierished and followed by her descndants until this very day.
We can adopt this “Sarah”attitude. Staying focused on what really matters. When we do, we will feel happier, and more content.