Parsha: Vayigash (2025)

There was once a plane full of people flying overseas. During the flight there was a lot of turbulence, it felt as if the plane was being tossed back and forth. Everyone was frightened, some were screaming, and some tried to control their fears.

There was one passenger a young 10 year old girl, who was calm and relaxed the whole way through.

After the flight, a passenger who was stting nearby asked the young girl, “How were you able to stay so calm?” Her answer was simple and short. She said “My Father is the pilot. When my Father is the pilot I have nothing to worry about it, I can be perfectly calm and relaxed.”

This story is a reminder that G-d is always running the world. He is our “pilot”, and we should relax, knowing that with G-d in charge everything will be ok.

In this week’s Parsha, the Jewish people make a full move into a foreign land, into the land of Egypt. This is a big turning point for the Jewish people.

As Jacob is about to go down to Egypt, G-d tells Jacob, “I will go down to Egypt with you.” This promise to Jacob made all the difference.

Knowing that Hashem is with us in our lives, allows us to be more calm and confident that everything will be ok.

Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom