27 Tishri 5777 – Bereishit

What a lively and exhilarating Sukkot and Simchat Torah we experienced at Maroubra Shul this week! I loved seeing so many people take part in our services and so many kids participate in the dancing! I will miss being with you in Shul this weekend as I will be visiting the Jewish community in Hobart, […]
13 Tishri 5777, Ha ‘azinu

Are your chests still sensitive from all the confessional “Al Chet’s” we recited in Shul over Yom Kippur??? Mine is. But WOW!!! What an uplifting and inspiring Yom Kippur we experienced at Maroubra Shul! A few people requested that I write up some of the ideas that I shared with you over Yom Tov. So […]
6 Tishri 5777, Vayelech

Shana Tova to you. I hope you all enjoyed the atmosphere in Shule over Rosh Hashana and left as uplifted and inspired as I did! They tell the story about a beautiful nightingale bird that each Sunday afternoon would hold a concert in the forest. All of the animals would assemble to listen to the […]