3 Kislev 5777 – Toldot

Bar/Bat mitzvah groups visited Mrs Markovits charity garage to sort clothes for the needy We all expect a lot from our leaders, rabbis and teachers. We watch their every move with scrutiny and expect from them the highest order of behaviour. After all, they are supposed to be modelling the principles, values and actions about […]
7 Elul 5776, Shoftim

I just returned from the JNF Gala dinner where Entebbe Hero and previous IDF Chief of Staff, Shaul Mofaz was special guest. He was Commander of the Israeli security force at the Entebbe airport that fateful night in 1976 and was tasked to oversee the successful evacuation of some 106 hostages held by terrorists. After […]
29 Av 5776, Re’eh

Shalom everyone! We have just returned from Israel after an inspirational two weeks. We were elated when dancing at my niece’s wedding last week and also inspired after visiting many interesting places and hearing the stories of some very special people. During one of our day trips we visited what looked like a dilapidated double […]
Greetings from Jerusalem
Greetings from Jerusalem With Palestinian workers at TwitoPlast factory Greetings from Jerusalem Greetings from the holy city of Jerusalem! I have come here to celebrate the wedding of my niece, and it is so special being here in our holy city. Jerusalem is the city of the soul. Over the past week, we have taken […]
9 Av 5776, Devarim

This weekend in Shul we farewell our dear Shlicha, Naama who has dedicated a year of her life to instilling her passion for Judaism and Israel within our Maroubra community. She will be delivering a talk in Shul on Shabbat day and there will be a special Kiddush in her honour. Please join us in […]