17 Tammuz 5778 – Balak

THERE CAN BE MEANING AMIDST THE MADNESS We recite his words every morning upon entering a Synagogue: “Mah Tovu ohalecha yaakov.. How goodly are your tents, Jacob; your tents, Israel” (Bamidbar 24:5). Some of the most beautiful blessings towards our nation came out of the mouth of a Jew-hating visionary, by the name of Bilaam. […]
14 Kislev 5778 – Vayishlach

I look forward to welcoming all of our new members and new families for a special welcome kiddush after the service this Shabbat day. It’s so wonderful being part of a growing community. From strength to strength! I also wish a mazal tov to all of our birthday kids from the past three months, who […]
17 Kislev 5777 – Vayishlach

I wish a very hearty Mazal Tov to the Potash family on Ben’s Bar-Mitzvah this weekend. We can’t wait to celebrate together with you! Allow me to share with you something very special that took place this week. As you can see in the accompanying picture, I am placing Tefillin on a gentleman who attended […]
10 Kislev 5777 – Vayetzei

I wish a warm welcome to all of the year 6 Mount Sinai students and parents who will be joining our Shabbat service this evening and attending a very special graduation dinner at our Shul. There will be a special ‘ruach’ in shul tonight so please join us for what will be a wonderful service! […]