18 Elul 5777 – Ki Tavo

I wish a hearty Mazal Tov to the Barukh and Lobel families on the wedding call-up of Dinah and Ben this Shabbat morning and also to the Or family on the Bar Mitzvah of Idan this Shabbat afternoon! Some of us may find this confronting but… how many of us can remember the last time we […]
2 Sivan 5777 – Bamidbar

I draw your attention to the many exciting initiatives that will be taking place at the Shul over the upcoming week/s. Please take a look and make an effort to bring your kids and join us. We have an exciting array of speakers arranged for our Shavuot late night learning program. I, personally, look forward […]
29 Av 5776, Re’eh

Shalom everyone! We have just returned from Israel after an inspirational two weeks. We were elated when dancing at my niece’s wedding last week and also inspired after visiting many interesting places and hearing the stories of some very special people. During one of our day trips we visited what looked like a dilapidated double […]
Greetings from Jerusalem
Greetings from Jerusalem With Palestinian workers at TwitoPlast factory Greetings from Jerusalem Greetings from the holy city of Jerusalem! I have come here to celebrate the wedding of my niece, and it is so special being here in our holy city. Jerusalem is the city of the soul. Over the past week, we have taken […]