9 Adar II 5779 – Vayikra

I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a happy Purim and I hope to see you at the many events that our Shul will be hosting this coming week! Purim gives us the opportunity to reflect on the dangers to Jewish existence today and how we overcame such threats in times gone […]
1 Nisan 5778 – Vayikra

Selling your Chametz: A Jewish ‘loophole’ or an important transaction?? Over the past few weeks, we have been distributing and advertising our ‘Sale of Chametz’ form. In place of my message this week, I provide some information as to why this is important and how it works. Jewish law allows a person in ownership of large […]
5 Nissan 5777 – Vayikra

This Shabbat we welcome over sixty kids and madrichim (leaders) from the Bnei Akivah youth group who will be spending an entire Shabbat with us in Shule! Get ready for some great ruach! With Pesach now around the corner we are offering a Kashering service at the shul from 9.30am this coming Sunday. Any pots, […]