9 Adar II 5779 – Vayikra

I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a happy Purim and I hope to see you at the many events that our Shul will be hosting this coming week! Purim gives us the opportunity to reflect on the dangers to Jewish existence today and how we overcame such threats in times gone […]
Purim 5778

Purim… Did you know? In the early 1950s, Joseph Stalin, the ruthless butcher of millions of innocent people, had bloody plans for dealing with the “Jewish problem” in the U.S.S.R. Just as things were reaching a crisis point in 1953, he died… on Purim! In 1990, Saddam Hussein of Iraq defiantly invaded nearby Kuwait. As pressure ramped […]
27 Adar 5777 – Vayakhel-Pekudei

Chana Raizel and I won’t be seeing you this Shabbas as we will be away on paternity leave but we want to wish you all a Shabbat Shalom! This Shabbat let us take a moment to remember and pray for the victims and families of Wednesday’s Westminster Terrorist attack. May their memories serve as a […]
20 Adar 5777 – Ki Sisa

With gratitude to Hashem we held the Bris of our son, Yehuda Isaac, on Monday this week and were honoured by the large attendance of all those who came to celebrate with us. We feel truly blessed to be part of our special community and we feel happy to have brought a baby into the […]