4 Elul 5777 – Shoftim

Mazal Tov! This weekend in Shule we will be celebrating a number of celebrations: Mazal Tov to the Dean family on Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah this Friday night! Mazal Tov to the Meyerowitz and Zinman families on the Aufruf of Sarah and Adam this Saturday morning! Mazal Tov to the Klompas and Sznajer families on the […]
6 Tishri 5777, Vayelech

Shana Tova to you. I hope you all enjoyed the atmosphere in Shule over Rosh Hashana and left as uplifted and inspired as I did! They tell the story about a beautiful nightingale bird that each Sunday afternoon would hold a concert in the forest. All of the animals would assemble to listen to the […]