21 Elul 5778 – Ki Tavo

Highlight of my Rabbinic career This past Sunday I took part in an event that was one of the great highlights of my Rabbinic career. This event was the completion of a Torah scroll and its subsequent dedication at our Shule in honour of our 70th anniversary celebrations. This Torah, underwritten by the Aaron and […]
14 Elul 5778 – Ki Tetzei

Over Shabbat I look forward to sharing with you various ideas surrounding the makings of and importance of our holy Torah as we prepare for our Torah dedication this Sunday. I hope to see you all there! Here is a thought that I will be exploring over Shabbat. Let’s start to think about it. Whenever […]
7 Elul 5778 – Shoftim

Pursuing justice is an important quality that the Torah emphasises in this week’s Parasha, Shoftim. Not only must citizens adhere to this important moral code, so must a city’s leaders. Even a King had to ensure that he had two Torah scrolls written for him – one that would be kept in his treasury for […]
27 Iyar 5778 – Behar-Bechukotai

There are some places that become etched into our memories. I am sure we can all remember the place where we were proposed to or exactly where we heard the news that we were expecting our first child. It is therefore startling that we have somehow forgotten the location where the most significant Jewish event took place – the giving of the Torah? Why didn’t the Jewish sages preserve the whereabouts of Mount Sinai?
27 Av 5777 – Re’eh

Mazal Tov!I wish a hearty Mazal Tov to our president, Daryl and Loren Robinson on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Gavin this Shabbat afternoon in Shule! Gavin is ‘one of the boys’ at our Shule and we are all very excited to be celebrating this special time with him and his family. The new […]
10 Kislev 5777 – Vayetzei

I wish a warm welcome to all of the year 6 Mount Sinai students and parents who will be joining our Shabbat service this evening and attending a very special graduation dinner at our Shul. There will be a special ‘ruach’ in shul tonight so please join us for what will be a wonderful service! […]
3 Kislev 5777 – Toldot

Bar/Bat mitzvah groups visited Mrs Markovits charity garage to sort clothes for the needy We all expect a lot from our leaders, rabbis and teachers. We watch their every move with scrutiny and expect from them the highest order of behaviour. After all, they are supposed to be modelling the principles, values and actions about […]
Two Minutes of Torah – 20 Elul, 5776
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpwFQ4_VQ2M This week’s parsha is Ki Tavo