7 Elul 5778 – Shoftim

Pursuing justice is an important quality that the Torah emphasises in this week’s Parasha, Shoftim. Not only must citizens adhere to this important moral code, so must a city’s leaders. Even a King had to ensure that he had two Torah scrolls written for him – one that would be kept in his treasury for safekeeping, and another, to be kept by his side at all times. The message is clear: Even an all-powerful king must be aware that there are limits to his power. Even his rule of law must be kept in check with the ordinances dictated in our holy Torah.
It is this very Torah that has kept our people in existence for thousands of years and even today makes up the creeds of many democratic countries.
We are so fortunate that our community will be dedicating a Torah scroll in just over a week’s time. This past week I met with the Sofer (scribe) to unwrap our new scroll from its overseas packaging and sew on both of its handles. This is an exciting time for our community and I urge everyone one of you to come and take part in this special occasion. “Ki Hem Chayeinu” – “Because.. it is our life!”
Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and Maroubra Shul – Mazal Tov on its upcoming 70th celebrations!!
Rabbi Yossi and Chana Raizel Friedman
PS There are only a small number of letters left to purchase in our new Sefer Torah. Don’t miss out on this incredible mitzvah for you and your family. Call the office on 9344 6095.