12 Sivan 5770 – Nasso

How do we inject new feeling into the daily, and sometimes repetitive, actions of life? The Torah portion of this week, Naso, contains over three columns of repetition when it comes to relating the details behind the offerings brought by each of the tribes. Each offering was identical, yet the Torah takes the space to […]
9 Adar II 5779 – Vayikra

I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a happy Purim and I hope to see you at the many events that our Shul will be hosting this coming week! Purim gives us the opportunity to reflect on the dangers to Jewish existence today and how we overcame such threats in times gone […]
2 Adar II 5779 – Pekudei
We had a fabulous weekend last Shabbat with a sold-out Shabbat dinner and a stimulating talk by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach! This week, I would like us to consider the following. We all have two sets of lives. The lives of our dreams and the lives of our reality. The lives that we wished for and […]
18 Adar 1 5779 – Ki Sisa

Beginning Afresh This week we will recount the dramatic story about the aftermath of the golden calf saga and the process of conciliation and forgiveness. “Zeh Yitenu” (“this they shall give”) says the Torah as it prescribes how each Jewish male had to give a half shekel coin as a donation to G-d. Yet it […]