Parsha: Behar (2024)

There have been many Jewish leaders throughout our long and rich history. Most leaders appeal to a group or community that identifies with their unique contribution. The scholar will be an admirer of the Jewish leader who contributed to Jewish Scholarship. The activist will be inspired by the leader who excelled in philanthropy and community […]

Parsha: Emor (2024)

There is a Chssidic expression: ”Joy breaks all barriers”. This is not just some spiritual or esoteric idea, rather it is something we see in our daily lives. When we approach a day with joy, things tend to be easier. People are more willing to cooperate. Our children want to be part and are attracted […]

Parsha: Kedoshim (2024)

What does it mean to “be holy”? If you ask the general public what holy means, you will most likely receive a reply that express asceticism. When we want to describe holiness we may think of someone on the top of the Himalayan mountains mediating, not dealing with the typical daily struggles. The more holy […]

Parsha: Acharei (2024)

Was great to see so many of you over Pesach!I trust that you had a meaningful and special Chag with your family and friends. There is a story of a young couple who struggled with their relationship for many years. They went through a rough patch and even contemplated divorce. With the arrival of their […]

Parsha: Tzaria (2024)

“I didn’t mean it…”“I didn’t intend it that way..”These are things we say when we are not careful with our words. The Torah teaches us to be very careful with our speech. It can bring great joy and happiness to people, or can cause great pain and aggravation. In Temple times one would get Tzaraat […]

Parsha: Shmini (2024)

There are times when we face challenges. We can face challenges that are small and sometimes we encounter challenges that are significant. What is one meant to do when they come face to face with a tragedy? What is the correct response? The Parsha this week describes the moment when Aharons two sons died suddenly, […]

Parsha: Tzav (2024)

I recently restarted a learning cycle of studying “Daily Rambam.” Daily Rambam Study is an annual study cycle that includes the daily study of Maimonides’ magnum opus, Mishneh Torah. The completion of each yearly cycle is celebrated with a “Siyum” (Celebratory completion). Such events are held worldwide with the participation of many thousands of people. […]

Parsha: Vayikra Purim (2024)

What an exciting time of year! We will Celebrate Purim at the close of Shabbat and through Sunday. The Festival of Purim is one full of joy. Its story and celebration bring us joy for the whole year.While there are many aspects that bring us joy from the story of Purim I would like to […]

Parsha: Pekudei (2024)

A high-ranking delegation from Israel attended U.S. President Kennedy’s funeral in 1963, led by Israeli President Zalman Shazar.    After the funeral the Israeli contingent met with the new President Lyndon Johnson. He said to them, “You’ve lost a friend, but you’ve gained an even bigger friend.”  And indeed, President Lyndon B. Johnson took U.S./Israel […]

Parsha: Vayakhel (2024)

A visit to the Kotel is an emotional experience. It is the last remaining structure of our Holy temple, lasting more than 2000 years. What is its secret that allowed it, to last and survive so long? The Parsha this week talks about building a home for G-d. Before the actual construction takes place Moshe gathers the Jewish people […]