Parsha: Pinchas (2024)

This week the Jewish world has begun a global time of mourning, we call it, “The 3 weeks.” This is when we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple and our launch into a still-ongoing exile. The period begins on the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, a fast day that marks the day […]

Parsha: Balak (2024)

A member of Knesset once shared, that he had two teachers in life. One was a person who taught him how to live, and behave. He was able to see a living example of a how to be a mensch. The second teacher was a person who didn’t have good conduct, but this person imparted […]

Parsha: Chukat (2024)

How are we meant to guide our grown children? Is it in the same way as we would guide them when they were younger? One of the most famous episodes of the Parsha is when Moshe was commanded to provide water for the Jewish people by bringing it out from a rock. G-d told him […]

Parsha: Korach (2024)

B’H There is a Chassidic expression that explains the reason why we have two eyes. If our eyes were given to us to see, why the need for two? The answer is, that each eye represents two different viewpoints we need to “see” in life. One eye was given to us to remind us to […]

Parsha: Sh’lach (2024)

We all try our best but sometimes we make mistakes and realise we can do better next time. We are meant to learn from our past mistakes. However it’s one thing to make a mistake and learn from that mistake. But it is entirely different if we keep one repeating the same mistake. It is […]

Parsha: Beha’aloscha (2024)

To live, means to be fully present and invested in the current moment. For example, when we are celebrating a joyous occasion, we can’t fully experience it, if our mind is somewhere else. One must clear all distractions and fully put themselves into the task at hand and feel a permanence in that moment. The […]

Parsha: Naso (2024)

This past week we held a memorial service in honour for Arnon Zamora z”l, who made the ultimate sacrifice inthe rescue mission that saved and rescued four hostages.  We held this service with Aronon’s cousin present. It was very moving to see so many people come together onsuch short notice.  In Shule it felt like […]

Parsha: Bambidar (2024)

Sometimes we find ourselves asking, why all the struggles and temptations? What’s the point? What’s the purpose in having all different types of distractions in life? This question plays itself out in a debate between Moses and the angels. We are about to celebrate Shavuos (next Tuesday night through Thursday night) the Day when G-d […]

Parsha: Bechokoitai (2024)

What a wonderful Lag Baomer we had! Was beautiful to see so many people come to celebrate. It was a great evening of song, laughter, and community. We are getting closer to the holiday of Shavuot. Shavuot is considered the wedding anniversary of the Jewish people and G-d. Its a time of year that we […]

Parsha: Behar (2024)

There have been many Jewish leaders throughout our long and rich history. Most leaders appeal to a group or community that identifies with their unique contribution. The scholar will be an admirer of the Jewish leader who contributed to Jewish Scholarship. The activist will be inspired by the leader who excelled in philanthropy and community […]